June 15, 2007

Kapono's Photo Shoot

Check out these too beautiful photos from our mid-morning photo shoot with budding baby photographer extraordinaire Liza

The first photo that you link to shows a recent Kapono developent -- he's discovered his toes! What does this mean?!? ;-)


Anonymous said...

It means those toes are chubby and delicious.

Kim said...

That sounds about right ;)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family!!!!!!

Kim said...

Thanks, Aunt Nancy! I can't wait for you to meet Kapono and Emiliano -- someday soon, I hope! All my love to Uncle Gene, Michelle, Doug, and the dogs :)

Kristen said...

Kim, I've been following your blog since you e-mailed it to me. What a great idea! I love hearing about and seeing pictures of the family! Please keep it up :)

Kim said...

Thanks, Auntie Kristen! I got your message about you and Oliver visiting in July/August -- I am SO EXCITED to introduce Kapono to his Auntie and Uncle! :)