April 8, 2009

17 Weeks & Counting

I did start blogging again to chronicle and share my own "adventures" in tandem nursing so, to be fair, I will share one such adventure from this morning. Well, this morning, for the first time while nursing Kapono, I felt those mild, back-ache type cramps which later into my (first) pregnancy, I learned are actually contractions and I wondered if I was actually having mild, nursing-induced contractions -- and if Kapono's morning nursing session should stop? We did wrap up the nursing, although not immediately, and intuitively, I wasn't worried (I must also embarassingly confess that these physical sensations may simply have been indicative of a bowel movement). Nevertheless, the experience did get me thinking about nursing-induced contractions that I may experience later into my pregnancy when the actual birth will be much more imminent and if I'll feel so not worried then...? :P

The only new nursing challenges that I've faced (so far) as a result of the pregnancy are increased sensitivity when Kapono latches on and then, inevitably, at some point into the nursing session, I will feel FAMISHED -- like, I need to EAT, and I need to EAT A LOT RIGHT NOW. Usually by that point, I also feel like whichever side Kapono has nursed on more is now running on "E". Sometimes I wonder if he's still getting milk when he nurses past that "empty feeling" point, but so far, no complaints :-)


Lacey said...

For what it's worth, I always want a huge glass of icewater whenever Navab latches on. I get insanely thirsty every single time. Strange!

Scott and Kim said...

I'm not surprised. I heard that if you do tandem nursing, you have to eat, and Eat, and EAT all the time! You are eating for 3 (unless you're having twins, then you're eating for 4!) I'm curious how the contraction thing goes. That is very interesting. Keep me posted!